我們的領袖 OUR TEAM



務要牧養在你們中間的 神的羊群,按著 神的旨意看顧他們。不是出於勉強,而是出於甘心;不是因為貪財,而是出於熱誠;也不是要轄制託付你們的羊群,而是作他們的榜樣。

Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but willingly, as God would have you; not out of greed for money but eagerly; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.

彼得前書 1 Peter 5:2-3


“Elders are servants and stewards of the local church under the leadership of the Great Shepherd Jesus Christ. elders lead and serve by caring, feeding, guarding, and leading the local church.”

Christopher Payk

長老 Elder


長老 Elder

宣教事工 Misson Team

大家好,我是Elvis Chiang ,我的妻子是Angelina,我們有三個孩子:江森(Jonathan)、江琳(Alina)、江禾(Josiah)。
Hi everyone, I'm Elvis Chiang with my wife Angelina, and our three kids: Jonathan, Alina, and Josiah.
It has already been 2.5 years since we were called to go and start a new YWAM youth ministry and moved to Jinmen in 2021.

Elvis & Angelina
Kinmen map


Kinmen, geographically, is nearby Fujian province and the coast of the mainland. The population is only around 60,000 people. But there are only 500 to 600 Christians, which is less than 1%.

It has the fewest Christians of any place in Taiwan. Because the family clan system is still very influential, the roots of traditional religions are still very deep. Sharing the gospel is a challenge, but that also makes it a very strategic place to be. When we were called, we believed God would use our team to be a bridge, mobilizing, equipping, and sending missionaries to all corners.
We have been working alongside the local church, because many young people wander about. So our team holds fellowship meetings in different churches and locations, and we use creative means  (English camps, music outreach, and sports ministries like basketball, swimming, and surfing, etc.)  to help these young people have broader experiences and, through our sharing, learn more about God!
Currently, we have worship and prayer services each week for Jinmen and the mainland, but the times are flexible, and we often have short prayer and study services in order to match both the flow of traffic to and from the mainland and the timing of YWAM's Discipleship Training School. We hope to be able to start training young people to enter the mission field.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and your continued relational and financial support. Thank the Lord that we are able to serve him together.
